Friday 16 October 2015


There was a young girl named Sandra. She was playing in her bedroom when she heard her mother calling her from the kitchen.
"Sandra, Come here. I have something to ask you," Her mother said.
"What is it?" asked Sandra.
"Do you know who ate the cakes that were meant for the guests?"
"Uh... No... I don't know," Sandra replied.
"Did you eat the cakes?" her mother asked.
"No, Mum, I didn't," The little girl replied.
Sandra was wringing her hands nervously.
"Sandra, I know when you are lying," Her Mother said. "A thief always starts out in life by lying. And the police always catch a thief. And the thief is always punished. Do you know what I'am saying Sandra?"
Sandra couldn't bear the guilt anymore. She started sobbing.
"Mum, I'm sorry!" she wailed. "I ate the cakes! I'm sorry!"
"There, there. Stop crying," said her mother as she held her hand. "I was angry because you lied to me. Now you've told the truth, everything is going to be fine. I don't like liars, so never lie to me again, OK?"
"Ok," said Sandra.
"Now dry your tears," said the mother. "We'll go to the store and buy more cakes."
"Ok, mum," Sandra said...
Sandra's Mum had a baby. When she came home from the hospital, Sandra was delighted.
"This is Dora," her mother said. "You're her big sister. You have to treat her with love and care."
"I will, mum," Sandra said.
But after the baby arrived, her mother didn't seem to have any time for her. The baby cried all day & night. Sandra couldn't bear to hear it screaming & bawling. She couldn't concentrate. She couldn't even think. Eventually, she had enough.
"Mum! I'm sick & tired of hearing her cry!" she shouted. " I can't study with all this racket! can you please shut her up?"
"You need to be more understanding," her mother said. "Dora is a baby. You're her big sister."
"But you're always with Dora" Sandra cried. "You never have time for me anymore. I'd like to spend time with you too, Mum. I'd like to go to the store with you,to the plaza with you, cuddle with you..."
"You're old enough to go to all those places by yourself," Her mother said. "So shut your mouth & stop being selfish."
"I HATE YOU!" Sandra screamed as she burst into tears.
She ran upstairs, slammed her door and locked herself in her room. That evening, she refused to come down for dinner. Instead, she stayed in her room & brooded about Dora.
That night, Sandra had a very disturbing dream. In the nightmare she saw herself walking through the house in Darkness. she went into her mother's room and tip-toed over to the baby's crib. Then, she picked up her little sister and carried her downstairs.
In the dream, Sandra opened the back door and brought Dora out to the garden. There, by the light of the moon, she fetched a shovel from the shed, dug a little hole in the wet grass and buried her little sister alive.
When she woke up in the morning, Sandra was shaking & covered in sweat. She felt sick to her stomach. The nightmare seemed so real. She was horrified.
"Mum was right," she thought. "Dora is just a baby. I'm her big sister, I need to learn to put up with things like this. I'm going to ask Mum to forgive me."
Just then, Her mother burst into her room. Tear were streaming down her face.
"Sandra, do you know where Dora is?" she asked. "When I woke up this morning, she wasn't in her crib. Do you know anything?"
The little girl shook her head.
"Are you sure?" her mother demanded. "You really don't know anything? Do you swear?"
Sandra gulped. "Yes, I swear," She said weakly.
"Alright! Alright!" her mother said. "Help me find her!"
They searched the house from top to bottom, but they couldn't find Dora. They ran up and down the street looking for the baby, but she was nowhere to be seen. Finally, her mother fell on her knees and began sobbing uncontrollably.
"Where did Dora go?" she wailed. "Where could she be? She doesn't even know how to walk. How could she disappear like this?"
Sandra was wringing her hands nervously.
"Sandra you know something!" her mother screamed. "Sandra you know what happened to Dora, don't you!"
"No," said sandra. "I don't know anything..."
"Sandra, I warned you not to lie to me again!" her mother screamed.
"I'm not lying," Sandra mumbled.
"I know when you're lying!" her mother shouted. "Tell me! Where is she? Where is Dora?"
Sandra couldn't bear the guilt anymore. She looked out the window & pointed at the mound of earth in the garden.
"No!" Her mother cried. "Dear God! No! This can't be true!"
"Mum!" the little girl sobbed. She tried to grab her mother's hand.
"Don't touch me!" her mother screamed. "You killed Dora, didn't you kill her because you were jealous!"
"I didn't mean it, Mum!" Sandra cried. "I didn't mean it!"
Her mother flew into a violent rage. She grabbed her daughter by the neck & began choking the life out of her. She squeezed & squeezed until she couldn't squeeze anymore. By the time she came to her senses, Sandra lay dead on the kitchen floor.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang.
The mother got to her feet & answered it.
When she opened the door, she saw her neighbor standing outside. He was holding Dora in his arms.
"We found her crawling around outside," He said. "She must have gotten out of her crib during the night. Good thing we found her before something bad happened..."

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