Monday 26 October 2015

Skin Tanning

There was a young woman who was getting married to the man of her dreams. Her wedding day was approaching fast and she wanted to look her very best for her fiance. She noticed that her fiance preferred Dark skinned ladies, so she was determined to get a good tan before the wedding.

She went to a tanning salon in Abuja and tried to book an hour on the sunbed. The staff at the salon told her that, for her own safety, she could only tan for thirty minutes at a time. After the session, she looked in the mirror and found that her skin wasn’t any darker.

When she attempted to make an appointment for another thirty minutes on the tanning bed the next day, the staff informed her that she could only tan twice a week. After her second session, the woman still wasn’t satisfied with the result.

Fearing that, at this rate, she would never have a proper tan, the woman came up with a cunning plan. If the salon could only give her thirty minutes, then she would book appointments at the other three tanning salon in the city, one after the other.

She spent the next four days going from one tanning salon to another, lying on sunbed after sunbed. Even though her skin was beginning to get a little bit darker, she was worried that it wouldn’t be brown enough by the time her wedding day arrived.

She went to a shop and bought a special brand of tanning lotion. This particular lotion was only supposed to be used by people who had a rare skin condition. The tanning lotion was designed to increase the skin’s sensitivity to light.

She hoped that this would help her skin tan to a lovely golden brown. She slathered the tanning lotion all over her body, letting it soak in. Then she set off for her tanning bed appointments.

Later that day, at the tanning salon, the staff noticed the smell of burning in the air. When they went to investigate, they were horrified to find one of the tanning beds was on fire. After putting out the flames, all that was left on the tanning bed was the charred corpse of the unfortunate woman.

When the autopsy was performed, we discovered that the woman’s internal organs had been cooked from the inside out. By combining the tanning lotion and the sunbed, she had literally cooked herself alive.

The Fiance is getting married to her best friend this morning.

Kope nor mi

Two years ago, a 26-year old man went on holiday to the Le'meridian Ibom Five star Hotel. When he arrived at the hotel, he found everything to his liking.

The weather was perfect, the pool was immaculate, the hotel was high class and the atmosphere was exciting. That night, he put on his most fragrant aftershave, donned an expensive shirt and went down to the poolside bar for a drink.

He spotted a beautiful woman in a revealing, red dress standing at the bar. She was incredibly attractive, with long dark hair, deep brown eyes, tanned skin, full lips, round hips and ample charms. She had it all. The man stared at her and was enchanted by her eyes. So much so, that he instantly fell in love.

Gathering his courage, he sauntered over to the woman and stood next to her at the bar. When the opportunity arose, he leaned in and asked if he could buy her a drink. Imagine his disappointment when she refused and dismissed him with a wave of her hand. It made him crazy! He felt rejected and became very annoyed. It was as if she had stabbed him straight through the heart. He was so disappointed that he returned to his hotel room, hanging his head in shame.

The next night he was back at the bar and he spotted her again. This time, he would give it a second chance.

“Hi, my name’s Prince,” he said, flashing a smile.

“Why would I care what your name is?” she asked.

“I thought maybe we could get to know each other a little better,” he said hopefully.

“I’d rather drown at Ibaka Sea,” was her withering reply.

Again, the young man found himself making his way back to his room, feeling humiliated.
The next day, as he was exploring the village outside the hotel, he walked past an old woman who was selling her wares by the side of the street. He saw that she had a sign that read “Spell Casting & Black Magic”. Stopping at her cart, he asked her if she had something that could make a woman fall head over heels in love with a man.

The woman smiled and told him that she had the perfect solution for him. She held up a small bottle with a heart emblazoned on the glass. It contained a red, syrup-like liquid. She told him that it was a love potion called "Kope nor mi". The man eagerly took the bottle and paid her for it. As he was leaving, the old woman warned him to only put a single drop into the drink of the woman he intended to use it on. Otherwise, she said, he might regret it.

That night, the young man strode into the poolside bar and sat down at the young woman table. He began to speak with her, gently and with confidence. She turned her head as if to avoid it. He took the opportunity to pour the love potion into her glass. In case the potion was ineffective, he poured the entire bottle of "Kope nor mi" into her drink.

Twenty minutes later, the woman turned to him and smiled. Her eyes glittered and her pupils dilated. Before he could say a word, she threw herself on him and began to kiss him passionately. The man couldn’t believe his luck. The love potion actually worked! They spent the entire night in a romantic embrace, kissing and cuddling like newlyweds.

When morning came, the woman wanted to surprise him. So she decided to go to town and get some lovely gifts for him. Unfortunately, the minute she set foot outside the hotel, she was run over by a car. The car tires squished her head into a bloody pulp and she died on the spot.

The young man spent the whole day crying. As night fell, he began to get over her, but he found himself unable to sleep. As he lay in bed, tossing and turning, he suddenly sensed a presence in the room. Turning over, he was horrified to see the ghostly figure of the lady in red crouching down by the door. When she raised her head, he realized that the skin on her face had been ripped off, revealing the bone underneath.

Before he had a chance to react, she jumped on him and began kissing him passionately, mashing her bony teeth and mutilated lips against his mouth. He screamed and screamed, but she didn’t let go until morning. Every night she returned, until the end of his life...

Terrible dream

Rachael was pretty and she knew it.
She could get any guy she wanted.
I knew I didn’t stand a chance with her, but I never gave up.
Every night, the girl would meet a new guy. Sometimes, they would call her back. Sometimes they wouldn’t bother.

Every night, the girl would cry herself to sleep. She hated her life. She hated being used by guys. She wanted to meet a genuine guy, a guy with a true heart who would really love her.

I knew exactly what she was going through. I could see through all her fake smiles, but I never had the courage to speak up and tell her how I felt.

As time went by, the girl became more and more depressed. Even the fake smile on her face began to fade. All of her friends deserted her. They began to spread vile rumors about her. Her heart was broken and her past was beginning to catch up with her.

One day, I finally managed to work up the courage to tell her how I really felt about her. I wanted to take her away from the life she was living and show her what true love was like. I wanted to treat her the way a girl should be treated, with kindness and respect.

I made my way to her house. With every step, I rehearsed what I was going to say to her. I was so nervous. I was dreading what would happen if she turned me down. I hated rejection. I couldn’t stand the embarrassment.

I waited at the bottom of her driveway, unsure of what to do. Then, I saw a middle-aged man come out the front door. As the man walked past, he asked me if I was next.
I didn’t understand and slowly approached the front door. It was open, so I went inside. I saw arrows on the wall, pointing towards the lounge. When I got in, I saw a letter lying on the couch. It read:

"Dear Mom,
I have finally made enough money to help you pay off all our debts. I hope this will make you happy. Mom, I’ve been thinking about something for a while now. I have ruined my life and I just can’t take it anymore. My whole life, all I’ve given you is sorrow. It would be better if I was gone from this world. You are better off without me. I know you will probably be too wasted on alcohol to understand what I am saying, Mom, but despite everything that has happened, I want you to know that I always loved you. What I am about to do is nobody’s fault but mine. My whole life, all I wanted was true love, Mom, but I guess it wasn’t for me. I guess it was never meant to be. Bye Mom, I love you.

I dropped the letter and began desperately looking for the girl. I was worried I might be too late to stop her. Just then, I heard the garage door close. I ran to the garage and found the girl sitting there on a chair. She was holding a knife.

I walked up to her and knelt down beside her. She looked at me and started to cry. Tears of shame flowed down her cheeks.

“All I ever wanted was true love,” she wailed.

I didn’t say anything. I just put my arms around her. I hugged her and held her close. I stayed with her all night and kept her company. I told her I would never let her go. For the first time in her life, she felt loved.

Then, suddenly, I couldn’t breathe. I began gasping for air. The girl asked what was wrong and realized that I had forgotten my inhaler. I was suffocating right before her eyes.

The girl didn’t know what to do. She wanted to run and get help, but she didn’t want to leave me alone, not even for a second. I didn’t want her to leave my side either. I had finally found true love and now I couldn’t bear to let it go.

Finally, the girl got up and tried to go for help, but I refused to allow her to leave. I told her I wanted her to hold me. I said I just wanted to stay in her arms. She sat next to me and held me tight. She kissed me on the cheek.

“You showed me what true love is,” she said. “You can’t leave without me.”

I looked up at her with tears flowing down my face. Then, my eyelids fluttered and my eyes closed. They didn’t open again.

The girl got up and searched the garage, opening cupboards and looking under tables. Then, all of a sudden, something caught her eye. It was her grandfather’s shotgun.

She lay down beside me and covered us with a warm blanket. Looking up at the ceiling, she put the barrel of the shotgun in her mouth and started counting backwards.
10… 9… 8… 7… 6…

All the girl had ever wanted was to feel true love. Now that she had found it, she didn’t want to let it go.
5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

She pulled the trigger. There was a deafening boom and her brains splattered all over the garage and on my face.

Suddenly I woke up sweating in bed. Everywhere was quiet except for my wheezing breath. Then I reached under my pillow and took two puffs from the inhaler.
What a terrible dream!

Spectre’s Mass

There was a young girl named Mariandrel who was habitually late for Sunday morning mass at her local church. She always forgot to set her alarm and wouldn’t wake up in time. Finally, she got tired of her parents telling her off and decided she would never be late for mass again.

Last Sunday morning, Mariandrel woke up at midnight. Unaware of what time it was, she thought she had overslept again and jumped out of bed. She quickly got dressed and ran out the door without ever looking at the clock.

It was still dark outside, but it usually was dark at this time of year. It was very quiet and there was nobody else on the street. The only sound she could hear was the noise of her own footsteps on the pavement as she hurried towards the church.

When she heard the church bell ring, she quickened her pace and took a shortcut through the cemetery. She got to the church just as the service was about to begin. She found a seat and took a look around.

Much to her surprise, she didn’t recognize anyone. The church was filled with people she had never seen before. They were all staring straight ahead and an eerie silence hung over the gathering. When the priest came out to celebrate mass, Mariandrel realized he was a stranger too.

The priest told the congregation to pray for the soul of a young girl named Queen who had died the night before. Mariandrel was shocked. She knew Queen and she had never even heard that the poor girl was ill. Something was radically wrong. She began to feel very uneasy.

She looked around again and, as her eyes began to adjust to the dim light, she saw someone she knew. There was an old woman sitting at the back of the church. Mariandrel’s heart sank when she remembered the old woman had died last year.

Looking towards the front of the church, she saw that some of the people sitting there looked very strange. Their skin seemed to be pearly white. One of them turned his head and Mariandrel discovered to her horror that he was nothing but a skeleton in a suit. Just a skull and some bones.

“This is a mass for the dead,” thought Mariandrel. “Everybody here is dead, except me. It’s a spectre’s mass.”

She noticed that some of them were staring at her. Their eyes were filled with anger. It was clear to her that she had no business being there.
Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Nervously, she turned around and found her grandfather standing in the row behind her. He had been dead for three years. There was a worried look on his face. He leaned towards her and whispered in her ear.

“Leave right now, while you still can,” he hissed. “You don’t belong here.”

Mariandrel immediately grabbed her coat and walked quickly toward the door. She heard hollow footsteps echoing behind her and glanced back. The dead were rising out of their seats and following her. Their faces were twisted in fury and hate.

Mariandrel was terrified and she dashed to the door, a pack of shrieking ghosts snapping at her heels. She felt skeletal hands grabbing at her, trying to stop her leaving. She twisted and turned, struggling to free herself from their grasp. Her coat was ripped off and her hat was snatched from her head, just as she managed to slip out the door.

Screaming and crying and almost out of her mind with fear, Mariandrel ran till she could no longer feel her legs... Then she slumped.

Later that day, someone came to the house holding what was left of Mariandrel’s coat and hat. They had been found in the cemetery, torn to shreds, but Mariandrel is yet to be found...


There was an old farmer in Ogun state who owned the best farm in the area. Everybody said his crops were the best and people came from all over to buy goods from him. Whenever people asked him how he was able to grow such good quality crops, the farmer would say it was all down to his Scarecrow.

"That old scarecrow is the one I have to thank" Said the farmer. "He makes no crows or critters or pests come near my crops".

The old farmer had built the scarecrow himself and it was a fearsome sight. He spent months working on it to make it as scary as possible. He knew how important it was to keep pests away from his crops. So he gave it enormous straw that stretched out about 6 feet and big long legs made it as tall as a tree. But the scariest thing about this scarecrow was it's head.

The farmer carved it himself out of a huge watermelon. He spent countless days and nights perfecting his design until it was perfect. The scarecrow's face and head was so grotesque and ugly that even he was sometimes scared to look at it. But it was very effective, scaring away every rodent and bird that ventured near.

The neighboring farm was owned by two young men who were brothers named Adewale and Femi. They were Lazy & never did much work around the farm which resulted in their crops being bad. They were jealous of the old farmer's success and were plotting against him. If they could drive him out of business they could take over his farm and make more money.

So one night, the brothers decided to sneak onto the old farmer's land. They stole his prized scarecrow and brought it back to their own house, where they stuffed it in their old room so nobody would ever find it.

The next day, the farmer woke up to find his hideous scarecrow missing and all his crops being eaten by rats and crows. He fell to his knees and cried, knowing that his farm would soon be out of business. Meanwhile, the brothers; Adewale and Femi, were watching from their own property and couldn't help laughing out loud when they saw the old man's tears of grief.

Hearing the laughter, the old farmer came over and asked them if they knew what happened to his scarecrow. The brothers looked him right in the eye and said they had no idea where his precious scarecrow might be.
"but you know I'll go out of business and have to sell my farm if I can't find my scarecrow", said the farmer.

Femi just laughed in his face, saying "that's just your tough luck, isn't it?".

The old farmer walked slowly back to his house, his head hanging down in defeat and depression.
That night, as Adewale and Femi had trouble sleeping; not because they felt remorse, but because they couldn't get the image of the scarecrow's horrible twisted face out of their minds. They decided they would never be able to sleep as long as that ugly Watermelon head was in their house. So they got up and dragged the scarecrow out of the closet.

Adewale took a pestle and smashed the scarecrow's head to pieces until all that was left was little bits of watermelon strewn around the floor. The brothers swept up the watermelon head pieces and threw them in the waste-bin . Then they went back to bed and were so fast asleep, having put all thoughts of disgusting scarecrow face out of their heads.

Some time after midnight, Adewale and Femi were awoken by sounds of scratching and crawling at their bedroom door.

"Did you forget to put the dog out" asked Femi, sleepily.

"W-w-w-we don't have a dog", stammered Adewale.

Suddenly the bedroom door burst open and a solitary long straw arm snaked in through the opening. Then a second arm thrashed around, followed by two long stick legs. The two brothers were frozen in fear and could only look with Horror as the headless scarecrow's body rose up on it's long stick legs and it's long arms reached out for them in the darkness.

Adewale felt a cold sinewy, straw claw close around his ankle and screamed as loud as he could. He begged his brother Femi to help him. But femi was already running out of the bedroom. Fleeing in terror, he ran down the hallway, crashed through the front door and unto the moonlit road.

He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, Puffing and panting and screaming at the top of his voice. As he passed his neighbor's house, he saw the old farmer standing at his gate. In the moonlight, he could see the farmer just staring at him with a strange smile on his face.

Femi kept running, his bare feet slapping against the rough gravel road. He glanced back over his shoulder and saw something that scared him to his very soul. He saw the scarecrow running along the road close behind him. It as gaining on him, closer and closer.

And that wasn't all he saw. He noticed that the scarecrow had a brand new head. And it looked a lot like Adewale...

Screaming Nightmare

I can't close my eyes, can't sleep
I know there's something on the creep
Voices from the dead, calling out to me
Open coffins lay across my bed
Its like a screaming nightmare in my head.

Reflections of the devil reflect in the mirror
Way down from the depths of hell
My Blood, My Blood, My Blood is getting thinner
Green flaming eyes look down on me from the ceiling
Ghostly Horror, Such an uneasy feeling
Its like a screaming nightmare in my head.

I'm falling miles below into nowhere
So dark, So cold, down here
Skeletons ride on dead horses
Snakes fly with human corpses
My body burns from want of Oxygen
It's like a screaming nightmare in my head...

Department of Psychiatry

I went out for work all day. When I got back to my little apartment, very far from town, it was almost dark and I was shocked to find the front door was standing open.

Cautiously, I crept into the house and was surprised to see a young lady sitting in my Kitchen.
She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had a really pretty face and long brown hair that came down to her shoulders. She was wearing a white vest that was tied up over her abdomen and a pair of blue jean that accented her curves...

The young lady said her name was Emem and she was lost. She came to the village to stay at their family house, but had wandered off and couldn't find her way back. She said she had spent all day wandering in the village trying to find help. Meanwhile the parents seldom took her to the village and she could not communicate with the villagers because she can't speak their dialect.

I said that I would help her. But it was too late to go walking through the village. She would have to stay the night in my house and in the morning, I would lead her back to her family house, *not what you're thinking*.

 Emem thanked me and offered to cook me dinner in return for my kindness.
Over dinner, we talked for a while and I was glad to have company. I didn't meet many women, living alone as I did, in this little apartment in the village.

Eventually, Emem started to get sleepy, It was almost two o'clock in the morning. I told her she could take my bed and I would sleep in a chair *Trust me nothing happened*. She climbed into the bed, fully dressed, and before long, was sleeping soundly. She looked like she needed the rest.

I watched her as she slept. I thought she was one of the most gorgeous girls I had ever seen. I wondered if she could fall in love with a man like me. She was the kind of woman I had longed for all my life. Young, Brown-haired and beautiful.

As Emem slept on the bed, I sat on the chair, listening to music on Planet F.m. I kept the volume low so that I wouldn't wake Emem. Then, as I was dozing off, the music on the radio was interrupted by a local news broadcast. The reporter said that the police were combing the area in search of a patient who had escaped from the psychiatry department of a Teaching hospital (in the village I'm staying).

My ears pricked up.
The reporter said that the woman who had escaped was armed and dangerous. She had been convicted of the grisly murders of her husband and four other men and was sent to prison. Psychologist who examined her declared her mentally ill, and she was transferred to the teaching hospital.

However, as she arrived at the hospital, she managed to overpower her guards, using a knife she had stolen from the prison cafeteria. She stabbed them to death and escaped into the woods. The police had been searching for her all day.

On the radio, the gave a description of the crazy lady. She was five foot four, 26 years old, with brown hair and very attractive. She had been wearing a prison uniform when she escaped, but they said she would probably try to steal some cloths to disguise herself. The police warned people to be on the lookout for the crazy lady and advised anyone who came across her to keep their distance.

My blood froze as I looked at Emem, lying there peacefully on my bed. She fit the description perfectly. Young, Brown hair, Beautiful & completely insane. She was the escaped maniac the police were looking for. I was sure of it. And I was sure of something else too. She was planning to kill me while I slept. I wasn't going to let that happen. I knew what I had to do.

Suddenly, I jumped out out of my chair and threw open the front door of the house. Emem awoke with a fright and looked at me, a confused expression on her face. I grabbed her by the hair, pulling her out of bed and began dragging her towards the door. She started screaming and her arms flailed wildly, trying to catch hold of me.

I managed to wrestle her to the front door, then with a mighty heave, I threw her out into the darkness. She landed on the grass outside and immediately came back towards the door. I slammed the China door shut and just had enough time to lock & bolt it before she slammed into it.

I braced myself against the door, expecting her to break it down at any moment. I could hear her outside, pounding on the door with her fist, kicking it with her boots and shouting at me to let her in.
And then I heard a scream -an ear-splitting shriek that made me shiver. It sounded like the howls of a crazy animal. The kind of sound that could only be made by a person who was completely insane.
Then there was a horrible silence...

I could hear something shifting and moving about outside the wooden door. I was shaking with fear, ready for anything. After a while, I noticed a thin trickle of blood coming under the door. Soon, it turned into a pool of blood, flowing across the floor at my feet.

Gathering my wits about me. I slowly opened the front door and was horrified by what I found. Emem was lying there in a pool of blood and a large knife was sticking out of her head.

She was completely naked and her eyes were glazed over. My mind races as I tried to understand the strange scene that lay before me. But, Stranger still, was a neat pile of blue clothing which was siting on the grass beside Emem's dead body.

Reaching over her naked corpse, I picked up the blue cloths and, and turning them over in my hands, I realized it was a blue uniform. There was some black lettering printed on the back. "Department of Psychiatry"

I fell to my knees beside the dead girl's body as I finally understood what had happened. The crazy lady had murdered Emem for her clothes...

Something on the toilet seat

I've been in the shower for hours now, and I'm yet to run out of hot water, I can't leave.

Something sits on the toilet seat only feet away from me. I peaked through the curtain earlier.... just to get a glimpse of her. I wish I hadn't.

She had grey skin, only a few patches of long,thin hair on her head. She had nails that could have been at least a foot long.

 But... there was blood on those nails, with pieces of my Girlfriend's flesh still hanging off the tip of her nails. Every once in a while she'll make a creaky chuckle, a clearing of throat... to show she's still there.

I don't want to get out, but the water keeps getting hotter & Hotter. I'm starting to blister, I can't stand here, with the boiling water hitting my back and I wonder how much longer I can take this.

Doctors Quarters

When our Doctors quarters fell under new management, they placed a suggestion box in the lobby. It wasn't long before Doctors began putting folded notes inside it since the building needed a lot of work.

The staircase light was dim so I suggested a brighter bulb. Next day, a new bulb. The trash cans at the back were disgusting, another anonymous suggestion and new trash cans.

There was one problem I felt uncomfortable addressing though; Noise. I had this guy on my floor who blared music all night long and a woman next door with a loud dog and dog's weren't allowed. I quietly slipped a note into the box overnight to see if anything could be done.

When I got home from work next day, the barking ceased. I couldn't believe it. No music from the guy either. I smoked my weed in silence. It was dead quiet the rest of the week.

I dropped another note into the box about my broken intercom while I was taking out the trash.
Outside, I noticed a trail of blood leading to one of the cans. Inside the black contractor bag was my neighbor's dead dog. A wave of dread overwhelmed me.

It was on the next day when I first noticed the odor coming from 5f, the guy's apartment. Another tenant had already called the police. We find out later he died of an apparent overdose.
On Saturday night my intercom suddenly came on...


I push 'Talk'

A deep voice replies,
"Am I speaking to the occupant of 5b? It was brought to my attention that marijuana... (static)... from your apartment... (static) is a violation of this quarters code."

Mommy! Help Me!

"I've got to run, I've got to get away"
Mrs Cecilia huffed as She ran through the large field beside her house, trying to get as far away from the house as possible.

She had to get help, and the nearest house was three miles away.

She ran as fast and as hard as she could, willing her legs to keep moving.

She hit the forest beyond the fields at a dead sprint. "Almost there," She thought. Tears streamed down her face when she thought of her husband and children all slaughtered. All lying dead in her house when she came home from the store.

She risked a glance over her shoulder and saw her 13 year old daughter "Mfon" about a quarter mile behind her, stuck in the bush.

"Thank God she wasn't home when our family was killed" Mrs Cecilia thought.

"Mommy! Help Me!" she shrieked.

Mrs Cecilia immediately headed for her, pulling her out of the bushes and into her arms.

"Oh , my sweet baby! I'm so glad you're okay" The words died on her lips when she noticed that the girl was covered in blood (not a drop of it her own), also, her eyes were completely black and she smiled, flashing two rows of razor sharp teeth.

Then Mrs Cecilia noticed that THIS WAS NOT HER DAUGHTER.

Friday 16 October 2015


There was a young girl named Sandra. She was playing in her bedroom when she heard her mother calling her from the kitchen.
"Sandra, Come here. I have something to ask you," Her mother said.
"What is it?" asked Sandra.
"Do you know who ate the cakes that were meant for the guests?"
"Uh... No... I don't know," Sandra replied.
"Did you eat the cakes?" her mother asked.
"No, Mum, I didn't," The little girl replied.
Sandra was wringing her hands nervously.
"Sandra, I know when you are lying," Her Mother said. "A thief always starts out in life by lying. And the police always catch a thief. And the thief is always punished. Do you know what I'am saying Sandra?"
Sandra couldn't bear the guilt anymore. She started sobbing.
"Mum, I'm sorry!" she wailed. "I ate the cakes! I'm sorry!"
"There, there. Stop crying," said her mother as she held her hand. "I was angry because you lied to me. Now you've told the truth, everything is going to be fine. I don't like liars, so never lie to me again, OK?"
"Ok," said Sandra.
"Now dry your tears," said the mother. "We'll go to the store and buy more cakes."
"Ok, mum," Sandra said...
Sandra's Mum had a baby. When she came home from the hospital, Sandra was delighted.
"This is Dora," her mother said. "You're her big sister. You have to treat her with love and care."
"I will, mum," Sandra said.
But after the baby arrived, her mother didn't seem to have any time for her. The baby cried all day & night. Sandra couldn't bear to hear it screaming & bawling. She couldn't concentrate. She couldn't even think. Eventually, she had enough.
"Mum! I'm sick & tired of hearing her cry!" she shouted. " I can't study with all this racket! can you please shut her up?"
"You need to be more understanding," her mother said. "Dora is a baby. You're her big sister."
"But you're always with Dora" Sandra cried. "You never have time for me anymore. I'd like to spend time with you too, Mum. I'd like to go to the store with you,to the plaza with you, cuddle with you..."
"You're old enough to go to all those places by yourself," Her mother said. "So shut your mouth & stop being selfish."
"I HATE YOU!" Sandra screamed as she burst into tears.
She ran upstairs, slammed her door and locked herself in her room. That evening, she refused to come down for dinner. Instead, she stayed in her room & brooded about Dora.
That night, Sandra had a very disturbing dream. In the nightmare she saw herself walking through the house in Darkness. she went into her mother's room and tip-toed over to the baby's crib. Then, she picked up her little sister and carried her downstairs.
In the dream, Sandra opened the back door and brought Dora out to the garden. There, by the light of the moon, she fetched a shovel from the shed, dug a little hole in the wet grass and buried her little sister alive.
When she woke up in the morning, Sandra was shaking & covered in sweat. She felt sick to her stomach. The nightmare seemed so real. She was horrified.
"Mum was right," she thought. "Dora is just a baby. I'm her big sister, I need to learn to put up with things like this. I'm going to ask Mum to forgive me."
Just then, Her mother burst into her room. Tear were streaming down her face.
"Sandra, do you know where Dora is?" she asked. "When I woke up this morning, she wasn't in her crib. Do you know anything?"
The little girl shook her head.
"Are you sure?" her mother demanded. "You really don't know anything? Do you swear?"
Sandra gulped. "Yes, I swear," She said weakly.
"Alright! Alright!" her mother said. "Help me find her!"
They searched the house from top to bottom, but they couldn't find Dora. They ran up and down the street looking for the baby, but she was nowhere to be seen. Finally, her mother fell on her knees and began sobbing uncontrollably.
"Where did Dora go?" she wailed. "Where could she be? She doesn't even know how to walk. How could she disappear like this?"
Sandra was wringing her hands nervously.
"Sandra you know something!" her mother screamed. "Sandra you know what happened to Dora, don't you!"
"No," said sandra. "I don't know anything..."
"Sandra, I warned you not to lie to me again!" her mother screamed.
"I'm not lying," Sandra mumbled.
"I know when you're lying!" her mother shouted. "Tell me! Where is she? Where is Dora?"
Sandra couldn't bear the guilt anymore. She looked out the window & pointed at the mound of earth in the garden.
"No!" Her mother cried. "Dear God! No! This can't be true!"
"Mum!" the little girl sobbed. She tried to grab her mother's hand.
"Don't touch me!" her mother screamed. "You killed Dora, didn't you kill her because you were jealous!"
"I didn't mean it, Mum!" Sandra cried. "I didn't mean it!"
Her mother flew into a violent rage. She grabbed her daughter by the neck & began choking the life out of her. She squeezed & squeezed until she couldn't squeeze anymore. By the time she came to her senses, Sandra lay dead on the kitchen floor.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang.
The mother got to her feet & answered it.
When she opened the door, she saw her neighbor standing outside. He was holding Dora in his arms.
"We found her crawling around outside," He said. "She must have gotten out of her crib during the night. Good thing we found her before something bad happened..."


As a Doctor, I encountered a case which sent a chill down my spine. Sometime ago a new family moved in my neighborhood; a couple in their sixties and their son, who was about 30 years old.

The son was a so-called "Hikikomori" ( Which means Acute social withdrawal; adolescents or adults who withdraw from social life, often seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement), so he was seldom seen outside his home. Naturally I couldn't ask the family directly but it was obvious that they had moved to the new place to escape from the social stigma.

Days had passed and the son went out less & less until he would not leave the house at all. He was now a "Complete Hikikomori". Every night the mother was heard SCREAMING at him in his bedroom. When I sometimes chanced to meet the mother, she greeted me with a smile but she always looked pale & haggard.

Six months had passed since I last caught a glimpse of the son when his father came to me and said,

"Dr Impo, could I ask you to visit us tomorrow?"

 I had never been involved with them personally or as a Doctor, but since we were neighbors & neighbors were supposed to help each other, I agreed to visit.
The next day when I visited them, both father & mother welcomed me at the door.

 "Please, come this way,"

The mother said as she lead the way to her son's room. When we came to the front of the room, the mother suddenly shouted,


As soon as she burst in she shrieked, "Why are you still sleeping? Get up!"

She tore the duvet off the bed.

I saw what was lying there and was struck dumb with disbelief. There was only one faceless, unclothed Reliquiae (corpse) lying on the bed.

 Then the father told me, "The person I want you to see is my wife, who cannot bear to ACCEPT THE REALITY."

Still Here

Yesterday evening, After spending the day at my friends house, I went home. I went into my bedroom and set up a camera.

It was aimed at my bedroom door and my bed. I set it to record and went to sleep. I did so because of the Horrific things that has been happening to me lately; You may have read some on my timeline.

Thankfully, I slept through the night. However, as I watched the footage, I couldn't believe what I saw.

At 3am in the morning, something crawled out from under my bed. It was completely naked, Anorexic woman. She stood up and looked at me sleeping on the bed. She did so for another hour, not moving at all.

Then she moved. She walked over to the camera until her face took up the whole shot. She was extremely pale and had bulging veins all over her head. Her eyes were completely black (like that of 'Mother Confessor' in "Legend of the Seeker") with a huge smile on her face. She stared at the camera for another two hours, not blinking, just slightly twisting her head every now and again.

After two hours of her staring went past, she walked back over to my bed and crawled under. I skipped the video forward until it showed me getting up and walking over to the camera. The video finished.

I was frozen with fear. The video showed her going back under, but not leaving.

Whatever it was, IT WAS STILL THERE...


I' am Daniels' Reflection. Every morning, he rises from sleep and walks into the bathroom... and he makes faces at the mirror. I am so tired of the faces.

He makes them for at least half an hour. Mocking ridiculous faces. I have no choice but to mimic his every action, although inside I am seething with anger.

He does this everyday... well, used to.

This morning, he woke up as usual and entered the bathroom. This particular morning, against his will, he picked up a pair of scissors. This Saturday morning he gripped those scissors tightly in his fist... and plunged them directly into his right eye.

Daniel Screamed, and Screamed. I Screamed and Scream too; with one difference. I can't mimic his pain...

Just his face...

My Dog

I woke up last night as the thunder shook the house, just in time to see the power fade.
My dog was freaking out, as usual. He hates storms, you see. When the lights go out, he scampers from room to room, his nails going clickity-click on my hardwood doors. I've never seen a pet so afraid of the dark.

As I rummaged through my night stand to find a flashlight, he stopped and yelped. "Calm down Shreddy, I'm looking for it." I heard his nails against the door as he found his way back to me in the dark. Finally pulling out the flashlight, I clicked it On, to make him feel better.

 "Come On Shreddy, I've got the light." 

Scanning my room with the light from my bed, I caught a glimpse of his Nose from behind a bookcase.
 "Come on Boy, It's Okay."

 He peeked his head out Barely, with a look of frozen terror in his eyes, then pulled it back again.

"Whatever. I'm thirsty anyway."

 I got up and stumbled to the kitchen, then stopped dead in my tracks. What lay before me made me nearly vomit.

Sprawled across the floor was my dog, splattered in blood. His head had been hacked off.
As I tried to recover, I heard the clicking of nails on the door approaching from behind me...

Don't Look Behind You

Whenever my sister and I came home late for dinner, our Mum would tell us about the Hidebehinds;
These creatures, she would say, would follow people as they walked through the bush. At the crack of a branch you'd turn around, but there'd be nothing there. Then out of the corner of your eye you might see a dark shape sprint behind a tree. Soon your Paranoia escalates, and you're running through the bush, but there is no escape, she'd say. The Hidebehinds would follow you until your heart stopped from the fright.

And I believed her, the child that I was. For a while, I'd never stay in the woods for too long or too late and I was never late for dinner. But I soon grew out of such fantasies. There were other real dangers of the bush to fear; getting lost or preyed upon by wild animals; Hidebehinds seemed so immature now.

Yet every now and then when I'd linger in the bush after twilight, a dark shape darting behind a tree would catch my eye. For an instant, my heart would skip a beat, but I dismissed them as deer or simply paranoia. I didn't want to believe.

I should've listened to my instincts. There's a reason people have an innate fear of the woods. There's a reason we feel like something is following us when we hike home after dark. Like my childhood nightmares come to life, I found myself lost in the woods one day as the sun went down. I walked as fast as I could though the thick bush, trying to get my bearings. No, that's the wrong way, I doubled back, just in time to catch a glimpse of something behind a tree.

Perhaps that was the right way after all; I turn around and continued, faster, I look back, and there it is again; but this time, he lingers in the open for a while before disappearing behind the trees.
Now I'm running. My heart races, the thorns tear at my leg. I need to go faster. I need to go on, but my legs won't run any further. So I crawled through the thickets until my hands were bloody and raw, and when I could go no further, I prayed for it all to be over.

I don't know how I survived that night, what willpower kept me going. But somehow, I evaded those terrible creatures until sunrise and found my way back to civilization. It was a while before I went back into the woods again.

There's a reason people have an innate fear of the woods. These Creatures, these incarnations of paranoia, have haunted man for as long as he's walked in the woods.
My advice to anyone in the Bush after dark; "Don't Look Behind You".

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Working as a personal injury Lawyer when Cynthia came into His Life, He fell in love with her the moment he met her. She was a very beautiful woman. He knew she was the perfect woman for him and someday they would be married.

On their wedding day, they took vows at the altar. She swore she would never leave him. She would stay with him through thick and thin. He promised Cynthia He would always take care of her. he would never let anything bad happen to her. He would always be there to protect her.
When they came back from honeymoon, they moved into a little bungalow outside town. He set up a law office and Cynthia took care of the house. Their married life was bliss and they settled into a comfortable routine. Everyday after He finished work, He would call Cynthia and tell her what time He'd be home for dinner.

However, that all changed one evening when he called Cynthia and she didn't answer the phone. That was the first indication he got that something was seriously wrong.
When he arrived home, He was shocked to see the front door standing open. At that moment, He knew Cynthia was in trouble. She needed him to protect her (He remembered his promise). He grabbed a hammer from under the car seat and rushed inside.

"Cynthia, I'm home!" he shouted. "Where are you? Cynthia!"

She didn't answer. There was an ominous silence. The kitchen was empty and the dinner was burning on the stove. He turned it off and looked around. Everything was in disarray; a state of quagmire (my chancellor would say). Broken plates and smashed bowls were strewn about the floor.
Gripping the hammer in his hand for protection, He searched the house, calling out his wife's name. He found her in the Bedroom, lying on the floor. Her cloths were torn, her face was bruised and bloody, but she was still alive.

"Cynthia!" he cried. "What Happened?"

"I don't know," She groaned. "A man broke in... He demanded for money... when I told him I didn't have any, he started hitting me.. He wouldn't stop hitting me... I couldn't fight him off... It hurt so much..."

"Don't worry, I'm here now," He said, trying to soothe her. "Everything's going to be Ok."

He picked up his injured wife and, holding her in his arms, He carried her out to the car. Opening the door, He laid her down as gently as possible in the back seat. Then hopped into the driver's seat and they drove off towards town.

"We've got to go to the police," She said.

"We will," He replied, "But first, I'm going to bring you to hospital."

Behind him , He heard Cynthia let out a gasp. Her injuries were serious. He cursed the fact that He hadn't been home that day to protect her. He had to get to a Doctor as soon as possible.
They drove through town, but on the way, they got stuck in traffic jam. He started honking his horn, trying to clear the way.

Suddenly, He heard Cynthia cry out, "There he is!"

"Who?" The husband asked, startled.

"The man who attacked me! That's him! That's Him!"

On the left hand side of the street, there was a man getting out of his car. Cynthia was pointing at him.

"Are you sure?" The husband asked.

She became hysterical. Tears were pouring down her cheeks and she was having trouble catching her breath.

"That's him! That's Him!"

The husband pulled over to the side of the road and parked the car. His brain was boiling over with rage. He got out of the car, still clutching the hammer. The man was casually walking down the street, without a care in the world. He followed the man.
Then, he saw the man turn down a dark alley. The Husband didn't know what came over him. He had planned to rough him up a little then hand him over to the police. Somehow, He lost control of himself. He couldn't stop.

It was over in a few seconds.
When he came back into the car, Cynthia seemed to have calmed down. They didn't say a word to each other. He grabbed a tissue and wiped the blood from his hands. Then, hid the bloody hammer under the seat and they drove off.

When they got to the hospital, Where I was 'on call', He helped Cynthia out of the car and carried her to the emergency room. As they walked through the front doors, She suddenly stopped in her tracks and grabbed his arms tightly. She was trembling as she pointed at Me (The Doctor on call)

"That's Him," she whispered urgently. "That's him..."

Then she pointed to one of the nurses.

"That's him!" she Screamed. "That's Him!"

Diagnosis "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder"

Monday 28 September 2015


A young man suffering from insomnia was trying to fall asleep at night. After many minutes, he was still awake as it got more and more late. He turned on his side and looked out of the window. Noticing two street-lights in the distance, he rested his eyes on them and soon fell asleep.

The next night he found himself once again kept awake by his sleep disorder. Remembering the remedy he tried the night before, He turned on his side and looked out the window for the two streetlights. He found them and once again fall asleep peacefully.

The next night his sleeping troubles were back, but he simply looked out the window for the streetlights and rested his eyes on them. Tonight, they were flickering every few seconds. He assumed that the bulbs would soon burn out and his eyes began to fall shut the lights finally burnt out.

He woke up in the morning refreshed. As he got up, he looked out the window towards the streetlights hoping someone would come to fix them. However, as he looked, he noticed something odd; There weren't streetlights there.

He leaned closer to the window to double check, But still, the streetlights were nowhere to be found. Then he looked down and noticed small claw marks on the window sill, as if something was perching there.

His Insomnia got worse...

Red Eyes

I went to a Hotel and walked up to the front desk to check in. The woman at the desk gave me my key and told me that on the way to my room, there was a door with no number that was locked and no one was allowed in there. Especially no one should look inside the room, under any circumstances.
So I followed the instructions of the woman at the front desk, going straight to my room, and going to bed.

The next night my curiosity would not leave me alone about the room with no number on the door. I walked down the hall to the door and gently tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. I bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling my eye.

What I saw was a hotel bedroom, like mine, and in the corner was a woman whose skin was completely WHITE. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. I stared in confusion for a while, I almost knocked on the door, out of curiosity, but decided not to. 

This disinclination saved my life. I crept away from the door and walked back to my room. The next day, I returned to the door and looked through the wide keyhole. This time, all I saw was REDNESS. I couldn't make anything out bedsides a distinct RED colour, Unmoving. 

Perhaps the inhabitants of the room knew I was spying the night before, and had blocked the keyhole with something red.

At this point I decided to consult the woman at the front desk for more information. She sighed and said, "Did you look through the keyhole?" I told Her that I did and She said "Well, I might as well tell you the story. A long time ago, a man murdered his wife in that room, and her ghost haunts it. But these people were not ordinary. They were WHITE all over, except for their eyes, which were RED"

The Lamb

Having a great farm, he loved it. It's what he always dreamt of.
His wife and his kids loved it as well, specially the black little lamb that they recently bought.

His kids loved the black little lamb, and they played with it for long periods of time.
Happy with his wife, he would watch them play while resting on the rocking chair outside.

Life was perfect for him, he could not get better than this.

One day, he was feeding the animals in the farm, then he saw that black lamb, it's horns were way larger than the day before. Puzzled, he just ignored it. Latter that day, he let the animals come outside, but one of them was missing. The Black Lamb.
He went inside of the farm and tried to look for it, and there it was.
On the very same spot that he left it that morning. But again the Lamb's horns were getting bigger. Big enough to not let it stand anymore.

 He got close to it and kneeled down to see it. He saw that the Horns had Carvings. They had some type of writing on them along with the symbols. One of them looked like a star upside down...
He looked inside the goats eye, and they did not look right. They looked like the eyes of a Snake. There were black and red veins all around it. He was worried and could not explain what was going on.

He called A Prophetess to take a look at it.
When she came over, The Prophetess said that a demon had taken possession of the lamb and that it must be killed so that the demon could not escape.

Latter that day, they killed the Lamb...
Sad, His children stayed in their rooms for a whole day. He felt really bad, but he was glad that the demon was gone.

At Night, When he was sleeping with his wife, His Daughter comes inside of the room. Jumping with Joy. He asked her what was going on and she said;
"Daddy! its back!, its back!, The Lamb is Back!"
Creeped out, He followed the girl to her room, Only to find something that he would never Imagine.
It was His son.
With Horns coming out of His Head...

Sunday 27 September 2015


A young girl is left home alone with only her dog to protect her.
When night approaches, She locks all the doors and tries to lock all the windows, but one wouldn't close.
She decides to leave it unlocked and goes to bed.
Her dog takes its customary place under her bed.

In The deep of night she awakens to a dripping sound coming from the bathroom.
The girl is too scared to go check so she reaches her hand under the bed.
She feels a reassuring lick from her dog and falls back to sleep.
She reawakens to the dripping sound, reaches her hand down to the dog where She feels the reassuring lick and falls back to sleep.

Once more, She awakens to the dripping sound, She reaches her hand down and feels the lick of her dog.

Now curious about the dripping sound, She gets up and slowly walks towards the bathroom, the dripping sound getting louder as She approaches.
She reaches the bathroom and turns on the light. She is greeted by a horrific sight; hanging from the shower nozzle is her dog, with its throat slit open and it's blood dripping into the bathtub.

Something on the bathroom mirror catches her eyes, She turns around.
Written on the bathroom mirror in her Dog's blood are the words;

"Humans Can Lick Too..."

Something Like This...

When you are admitted in this hospital, they place on your wrist a white wristband with your name on it. But there are other different colored wristband which symbolize other things. The Red wristbands are placed on dead people.
There was one Surgeon who worked on Night shift in this particular hospital. He had just finished an Operation and was on his way down to the basement. He entered the elevator and there was just one other person there. He casually chatted with the woman while the elevator descended. 

When the Elevator door opened, another woman was about to enter when the Doctor slammed the close button & punched the button to the highest floor.
Surprised, the woman reprimanded the Doctor for being rude and asked why He did not let the other woman in. The Doctor said "That was the woman I just operated on. She Died while I was doing the Operation. Didn't you see the Red wristband she was wearing?"
The woman smiled, raised her left arm, and said

"Something like this...?"

Turn on the light

He pulled into the driveway from another late night. 
He entered the house and found out that all the lights were out as usual. His wife must already be in bed and asleep. Its late and he was tired, so he figured he might as well go to bed too. He didn't even bother turning on the lights anymore. He can Navigate his way through the house blind. Besides, he didn't want to wake his wife.

The bedroom door creaked as it opened and he inched his way to his side of the bed and crawled in. He moved close to his wife and wrapped his arms around her. He knew she was asleep. But he somehow felt her embrace as he held her. He slowly drifted to sleep, with the love of his life asleep in his arms.

He slowly began to wake up when he found out that his love was no longer in his arms, or in bed for that matter. He opened his eyes to saw her entire side of the bed covered in dry crusty blood. He panicked & looked to the floor to and saw bloody footprints & drips of blood leading out of the room. He frantically got up to follow the footprint and search for his wife. 

As he approached the door, he decided to take one last look at the room. As he turned round, He saw his once Beautiful wife sliced open & mutilated, nailed to the wall behind his bed. Beside her, painted in her blood across the wall, were the words "Thanks for holding me, but maybe next time you should turn On the lights when you come in..."